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Our raison d'être is to console through the comprehensive education of the children and young people of Menorca and also providing tools to their families according to the style of Saint Maria Rosa Molas.

We respond to the need of children and young people to have an integral formation.

Based on the evangelical principles and the pedagogy of Saint M.ª Rosa Molas, we offer an education seeking the harmonious growth of all their physical, intellectual and moral faculties.


Our horizon is:

  • To be a center where a family atmosphere is breathed, open to all cultures, where technological advances are at the service of education, training students for their development in the society of the future.
  • To be a Christian educational community, committed to the comprehensive education of students, helping them to grow in human and evangelical values and training them to live and transform a continuously changing society.


The values that we highlight are those that our foundress Saint M.ª Rosa Molas lived by and in which we believe, nonetheless, we equally respect other values and ideals.

  • Sense of belonging to God and universal fraternity.
  • Self-giving and service to others.
  • Love expressed through welcomeness, closeness, good relationships, understanding and respect.
  • Simplicity and humility that translate into a climate of genuineness, spontaneity, truth and sincerity in relationships with others.
  • Solidarity and team work, instilling a sense of duty, which is assumed and carried out with joy, effort and responsibility.
  • Appreciation for positivity and self-improvement.
  • Freedom that makes possible a respectful, trusting and supportive attitude towards the realities of others.
  • Gratitude leading us to be open to others, making us welcoming and generous and therefore willing to share with others what we are and what we have.
  • Tenderness and kindness.
  • Opportunities for the most vulnerable.
  • Ecological vision and contemplation of nature as God's work.